Many commercial buildings are heated by a boiler system. A boiler is a system that uses pressurized hot water or steam to provide heat and/or hot water to the facility. The main purpose of a CSD-1 test is to inhibit boilers from damage and to prevent boilers from operating in an unsafe manner. When boiler safety components are not regularly examined and maintained, it can lead to operational malfunction and safety hazards.  

All boilers in the State of Michigan are subject to ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) CSD-1 inspections. The statutory requirement for this safety testing is found in Michigan Act 407 of 2016, commonly known as the Skilled Trades Regulation Act. Per Act 407 Rule 27: (1) The owner shall ensure that the installation, maintenance, operation, and testing of controls and safety devices is pursuant to manufacturer’s instructions and ASME code CSD-1, 2009 edition, except as modified by these rules. This brings up the question, what exactly is ASME code CSD-1? According to ASME “The rules of this Standard cover requirements for the assembly, installation, maintenance, and operation of controls and safety devices on automatically operated boilers directly fired with gas, oil, gas-oil, or electricity, having fuel input ratings under 12,500,000 Btu/hr.”

ASME CSD-1 is broken down into four primary sections known as Parts:

  • Part CG General includes Periodic Testing and Maintenance requirements.
  • Part CE Electrical addresses Electrical Requirements
  • Part CW Steam and Waterside Control covers Low-Water Fuel Cutoffs, Water Feeding Devices, Pressure Controls, Temperature Controls, Safety Relief Valves, etc.
  • Part CF Combustion Side Control covers items such as purging and flame supervision requirements for gas and oil-fired boilers, it also delves into electrically heated boilers.

In addition, ASME CSD-1 includes Nonmandatory Appendices, Tables, and checklists to help users understand and meet the code. While performing safety tests per CSD-1 are necessary we must test them pursuant to the manufacturer’s instructions as noted above. This makes every situation unique as manufacturers differ significantly in their engineering and design approaches just as applications vary by industry, application, and physical location. Our job is to understand all applicable requirements and test procedures that apply and make sure that all safety devices are tested to the appropriate standard.

Failure to comply with CSD-1 testing and completing necessary repairs can result in your boiler being locked out, loss of occupancy to the facility, potential fines, or an unsafe mechanical environment. Boilers are powerful systems and failures due to negligence can cause property damage, unexpected downtime, and loss of life, which is why CSD-1 testing is so important. Boiler service can be costly, so it is suggested to maintain your boiler on a regular basis, rather than paying the high cost for emergency service. 


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