State of Michigan Boiler Code Updates

In the State of Michigan mechanical, electrical, and plumbing codes are statutorily required to be updated every three years, however there is not a time-based mandate on boiler codes. Since last year the MI Bureau of Construction Codes has been working to update adopted boiler codes through the rule making process. These new rules went into effect May 3rd, 2023 which supersedes the 2013 rules we’ve been utilizing for the past decade. Subsequently the adopted codes have also fast forwarded a decade and are updated to the following editions:

  • 2018 ASME B31.1
  • 2018 ASME CSD-1
  • 2019 ASME boiler and pressure vessel code (BPVC)
  • 2019 NBIC (Parts 1-4)

ASME stands for The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. While we typically utilize ASME resources as they apply to pressure vessels and piping systems for comfort heating or industrial processes, their purview includes all mechanical engineering which is incredibly broad.

ASME B31.1 addresses Power Piping, meaning high pressure and/or high temperature as defined by codes, rules, or statutes. ASME has a very specific definition however states often amend applicability to meet their intended application of the code.

ASME CSD-1 provides manufacturers, owners, and contractors with minimum construction and testing requirements for boilers and water heaters specific to controls and safeties.

ASME BPVC refers to a complete set of standards for the safe design, manufacture and maintenance of boiler and pressure vessels. Hot water heaters have different standards than low pressure boilers which are different from high pressure boilers, etc. These standards cover an extensive array of equipment ranging from the smallest of water heaters to nuclear power plants.

The NBIC (The National Board Inspection Code) is completely focused on pressure equipment safety, and they work very closely with ASME and other industry associations to improve safety by improving the uniformity of construction, installation, repair, maintenance, and inspection of pressure equipment. The NBIC is broken into four sections.

  • Part 1, Installation – requirements and guidance to ensure all types of pressure-retaining items are installed and function properly.
  • Part 2, Inspection – provides information and guidance needed to perform and document inspections for all types of pressure-retaining items.
  • Part 3, Repairs and Alterations – provides information and guidance to perform, verify, and document acceptable repairs or alterations to pressure-retaining items regardless of code of construction.
  • Part 4, Pressure Relief Devices – provides information and guidance to perform, verify, and document the installation, inspection, and repair of pressure relief devices.

While ASME and the NBIC update codes and standards on regular cycles the State of Michigan does so infrequently, this results in large learning curves for engineers, suppliers, contractors, and owners as entire code cycles are skipped. Along with many professional organizations in our industry Pleune Service Company is committed to keeping customers up to date, informed, and most importantly, safe.


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