Maintenance Is Key to Saving Money on Your Rooftop Unit

When it comes to our rooftop units, “out of sight, out of mind” applies to most of us. That attitude can change quickly when our roof doesn’t keep us cool on a hot summer day.

HVAC Repair


Having routine preventative maintenance done is the best way to keep rooftop units in good working condition. It is also the best way to save money long-term. Regular maintenance calls are always going to be more affordable than calling a technician during an emergency. A technician can also help alert you to issues so you can budget out large repairs and replacements. Regular maintenance of rooftop units has been shown to give owners energy savings of up to 11%. Allowing yourself to plan ahead before the unit breaks down will save you time, money, and most importantly, stress.

Location and placement may also play a part in whether your unit is performing efficiently or not. If the rooftop unit is not in the right location, it may hinder the unit’s operation. Placing a unit on a black roof may also reduce the economizer’s efficiency. This can work against the cooling mode when the OSA is full open on a roof at 100 degrees or hotter.

Dirty or clogged filters could be at fault as well. These kind of blockages can reduce airflow, causing your unit to run less efficiently and increase its energy usage. Changing belts and cleaning coils regularly plays a key role in how your rooftop unit works.  These are all relatively inexpensive maintenance tasks that will help make sure your unit is always running at peak performance levels. In the long run, it will save you emergency downtime, and keep you from feeling the heat on the hottest day of the year. To learn more about how much you can save with a rooftop unit inspection, call 800.447.6907 to speak to a Pleune Service technician.


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