Temporary Boiler Services Hard at Work

This past week presented us with an opportunity to assist a customer located in mid-Michigan with a pressing issue involving a plugged ten-inch, one thousand-foot long chemical line forty-feet in the air at their off-loading station which created significant operational challenges. With quick thinking and decisive action, our team rallied together to provide temporary boiler […]

State of Michigan Boiler Code Updates

In the State of Michigan mechanical, electrical, and plumbing codes are statutorily required to be updated every three years, however there is not a time-based mandate on boiler codes. Since last year the MI Bureau of Construction Codes has been working to update adopted boiler codes through the rule making process. These new rules went […]

Why CSD-1 Testing for Boilers?

Many commercial buildings are heated by a boiler system. A boiler is a system that uses pressurized hot water or steam to provide heat and/or hot water to the facility. The main purpose of a CSD-1 test is to inhibit boilers from damage and to prevent boilers from operating in an unsafe manner. When boiler […]

5,000,000 BTU Temporary Boiler Ready for Use

Pleune Service Company has recently completed its second temporary boiler for utilization. This equipment has the capability of 5,000,000 BTU’s (approximately 145 HP) of low-pressure hot water service. The unit is housed in a secure shipping container that has external hook ups of return and supply water as well as electrical service. This equipment could […]

Being Intentional Leads to Better Boiler, Deaerator Performance

Taking adequate time to plan a maintenance program — even before ordering a boiler and deaerator system — will increase uptime and safety. By Ken Misiewicz, Rob Moyer September 22, 2022 Poor water quality is among the most frequent causes of boiler failure. Boilers and deaerators can perform efficiently and effectively when equipment purchases are considered and […]

Coming Soon: New Boiler Services

Pleune Service Company recognizes the challenge of long lead times on purchasing new boilers and the problems it may cause our customers in the event of an untimely breakdown. We have recently completed a brand new portable one-million BTU hot water boiler. This unit is currently configured for natural gas fuel but can be converted […]

Energy Code Changes

Contributes to Significant Changes to Heating & Cooling Equipment Due to recent energy code updates, significant modifications will be made to all roof top heating and cooling equipment with a special emphasis on base model equipment. These changes mean that manufacturers must retool the production lines to accommodate these changes. The manufacturers are setting ordering […]

R22 Phase Out

Refrigerant is a working medium used in refrigerant cycle of air conditioning systems and heat pumps where in most cases they undergo a repeated phase transition from a liquid to a gas and back again. Refrigerant varies dependent on the chemical composition it is made up of and is not a one size fits all […]

Boiler Retubing Project

Pleune Service Company completed another boiler retubing job on an existing Cleaver Brooks boiler for a school system in Lansing. We removed 148 tubes from the boiler top pass. We then installed new roll sealed 2 ½ inch steel tubes. The boiler was pressure tested and reassembled for heating service this coming school year in […]

Coil Cleaning

Cleaning of equipment coils is a vital part to maintaining your equipment. It is recommended to have coils cleaned late spring after cotton wood has fallen. This timing gives optimal results for the once-a-year cleaning recommendation. Coil cleaning is a simple process of brushing and hosing away debris build up. In more severe cases a […]